
Transforming Lives, One Step at a Time

Amazing Faith Academy for Women

The Live wise and well program is a transformative online course to help you assess the current state of your purpose and passion while uncovering strong holds that have been holding you back. Each woman has a unique calling and a significant role to play in God’s plan. The Amazing Faith Academy inspires women to look within to uncover their gifts and talents—providing wisdom for success. We are committed to empowering women to walk in their Divine Purpose.

W.I.N. Women In Need Program

A Support Program for Underprivileged Women

Our Mission: Our W.I.N (Women in Need) program is dedicated to supporting underprivileged women who have experienced abuse, homelessness, and various struggles. Our mission is to provide comprehensive assistance that nurtures the mind, body, and soul, equipping women with the life skills necessary for success and self-sufficiency.

Financial Education

Financial Literacy Program for Students
Program Title:
Smart Money Moves

Overview: The Smart Money Moves program is designed to equip high school students with essential financial literacy skills necessary for their transition to adulthood. This comprehensive curriculum covers critical topics that empower students to manage their personal finances and make informed financial decisions.

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Together we can help families navigate life’s complexities and achieve success. 

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